
Rhythm Runs


Rhythm Runs

Applicable for Sportsmen, Fitness Enthusiasts Specifics for: Fast Bowlers, Cricketers, Elite Sportspersons

Key factors:

  • Ground Reaction Force
  • Ability to stride, Sprint and bowl on different grounds
  • Less Energy spent
  • Less Load on the muscles with More work capacity
  • Ability to bowl and Train more (not just bowling 15 balls in a nets session)
  • We need systems who can bowl and train more with the same pace or more.
  • Fast bowlers with improved rhythm supposed bowl at their ideal pace with lesser injuries.

Reasons for Innovation :

  1. Workload related Injuries amongst cricketers
  2. Common Causes of Injuries at these sites (Hamstring, Knee, Back Injuries, Calf) and the outcome has to be a progressive system of training.
  3. Bowlers getting tired after their spells and having lack of top rhythm during their run up.
  4. Need for increase in workload with specific progression and generic improvement in Speed endurance for Fast Bowlers and Cricketers
  5. Many fast bowlers and cricketers at an elite level have shown tremendous progress.
  6. Progress has to be shown on field with sportsperson and not in a Rehab Room.

Benefits of Rhythm Runs :

  1. An increase in work capacity (bowler would be able to bowl the extra over or too in a spell in his usual speed
  2. Reduces the risk of stiffness related injuries
  3. More work with less energy spent (Learn how this is done during SST or I-7 workshops)
  4. An increase in speed endurance with reduced GRF (ground reaction force).
  5. Strength meets Speed
  6. Rhythm meets Speed Endurance (How and Why can be cleared in SST Workshops)

Applied Science:
The following is a part of applied science ie (Sport Science Technology).

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