Rhythm Runs
December 5, 2022 2023-01-05 13:40
Rhythm Runs
Applicable for Sportsmen, Fitness Enthusiasts Specifics for: Fast Bowlers, Cricketers, Elite Sportspersons
Key factors:
- Ground Reaction Force
- Ability to stride, Sprint and bowl on different grounds
- Less Energy spent
- Less Load on the muscles with More work capacity
- Ability to bowl and Train more (not just bowling 15 balls in a nets session)
- We need systems who can bowl and train more with the same pace or more.
- Fast bowlers with improved rhythm supposed bowl at their ideal pace with lesser injuries.
Reasons for Innovation :
- Workload related Injuries amongst cricketers
- Common Causes of Injuries at these sites (Hamstring, Knee, Back Injuries, Calf) and the outcome has to be a progressive system of training.
- Bowlers getting tired after their spells and having lack of top rhythm during their run up.
- Need for increase in workload with specific progression and generic improvement in Speed endurance for Fast Bowlers and Cricketers
- Many fast bowlers and cricketers at an elite level have shown tremendous progress.
- Progress has to be shown on field with sportsperson and not in a Rehab Room.
Benefits of Rhythm Runs :
- An increase in work capacity (bowler would be able to bowl the extra over or too in a spell in his usual speed
- Reduces the risk of stiffness related injuries
- More work with less energy spent (Learn how this is done during SST or I-7 workshops)
- An increase in speed endurance with reduced GRF (ground reaction force).
- Strength meets Speed
- Rhythm meets Speed Endurance (How and Why can be cleared in SST Workshops)